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UWaterloo software development


Policy | Licensing | Procedures | Auditing | Maintenance

Release policy

While releasing UWaterloo code as open source is highly encouraged, we also need to be mindful that we shouldn’t be giving away code that could be used by competitors to undermine our institution.

Highly specialized software which is unlikely to provide value to external parties will not be promoted on our UWaterloo Public GitHub profile.

NOTE: Any software developed as part of an assigned task by staff members is property of the University of Waterloo.


All relicensing of UWaterloo source code and content (e.g., text, images, fonts, data) should be registered by following the release process. If it’s truly a personal project, not created as part of your job, related to UWaterloo’s business, or incorporating UWaterloo’s intellectual property, this policy does not apply. Just take care to not imply any endorsement by UWaterloo. If you have any uncertainty talk with your manager.


The home for UWaterloo’s open source projects is UWaterloo-Public. These are projects that employees create as part of their jobs.


All UWaterloo open source code must follow all applicable security requirements as outlined in the Auditing process


UWaterloo has 4 officially approved licenses for use: